Embarking on the journey of raising a future Service Dog is both rewarding and challenging. At Dogs for Better Lives, we go out of our way to ensure that our dedicated volunteer Puppy Raisers have the guidance and support they need every step of the way. We believe that by supporting our volunteer Puppy Raisers, we not only enhance the development of our program puppies but also cultivate a network of passionate individuals dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others. Below are some of the ways we support our Puppy Raisers so they feel empowered and prepared to nurture these special pups to become a life-changing future Service Dog.
Monthly Check-Ins
Our Puppy Program staff conducts monthly check-ins with our Puppy Raisers, offering personalized support to address any medical or behavioral concerns that may arise. These one-on-one sessions enable us to tailor medical and training plans for both the puppy and the raiser, ensuring a successful partnership.
Puppy Pack Meetings
Fostering a sense of community among our volunteers, Puppy Pack Meetings gather all puppy raisers together monthly.. These meetings are a fun way of getting everyone together to share success stories, encourage our Puppy Raisers to interact with one another. This is a great way for our volunteers to see what other Puppy Raisers are experiencing, to potentially connect with their Program Puppy’s littermates/Raisers, and to hear updates from DBL.
Informational Presentations
While this is brand new, we are excited to host our informational presentations! We invite DBL’s Certified Assistance Dog Trainers to educate and inspire our puppy raisers. These sessions include demonstrations and cover various training topics, fostering engagement, and equipping raisers with innovative approaches to training.
Puppy Portal
Accessible online, our Puppy Portal serves as a comprehensive resource hub for Puppy Raisers. From training videos to program manuals, this platform continues to expand, providing invaluable information and support for Puppy Raisers throughout their journey.
Private Facebook Group
Our dedicated Facebook group offers a platform for puppy raisers to connect, share experiences, and build a supportive community regardless of their location. Fostering bonds and camaraderie, this group ensures that no Puppy Raiser feels alone in their endeavor.
In-Person Classes
For Puppy Raisers in certain portions of the West Coast, we meet weekly for in-person puppy classes. When puppies are 5 months old, this moves to every other week.
Direct Communication
Our Puppy Program Team is just a call or email away when Puppy Raisers have questions, or to share progress and photos. We love celebrating milestones and special moments!
Are you ready to step up and raise a future Service Dog? Visit dogsforbetterlives.org/get-involved to learn more and apply.
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